

Three Certified Management Systems

At the end of March, 2014 “Corporation Uraltechnostroy” LLC and “Uraltechnostroy-Teplopanel” LLC have received certificates of certification authority of society TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH for 2 two new management systems implemented in 2013:
1. Environment Management System complying with the requirements ISO 14001:2004;
2.  Occupational Health & Safety Management System complying with the requirements OHSAS 18001:2007.
Thus, Unified Corporate Integrated Management System has been currently implemented in “Corporation Uraltechnostroy” LLC and subsidiary “Uraltechnostroy-Teplopanel” LLC which consists of three systems:
- Quality Management System;
- Environment Management System;
- Occupational Health & Safety Management System
Certificates of management system you can see here.
TÜV SÜD (from Russian TUV SUD) - German expert organization.  For 150-year history the group company TÜV SÜD has become one of the leaders in the sphere of inspection, testing and certification. Abbreviation TÜV SÜD (“Technische Überwachungs-Verein”) from German means “Association of technical supervision”. TUV SUD company operates sticking to the motto – “Much confidence. Much profits”.

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