The seventh mobile unit for oil company Neftis
The shipment of equipment was executed under the project agreement with AO (JSC) «Elektrosnabsbyt» for the end customer «KanBaikal» LLC.
Mobile small-sized modular separation and filling unit-UPN (MBSNU-UPN) with productivity capacity of 2500 m3/hr was manufactured. At the moment this is the 7th MBSNU-UPN manufactured lately for affiliates of АО NК (JSC oil company) «Neftisa».
Equipment is designed with respect to specific temperature regime of the environment. The unit will operate in arctic severely continental climate which is characterized by hard winter, showers and not too warm summer months.
Mobile unit was manufactured and dispatched to the Untygeisk oil field within the contract period. Currently Corporation Uraltechnostroy is performing commissioning works.