
Testing of a multiphase flow meter
Within the framework of the programme of new equipment and production processes development and implementation, our company designed a multiphase flow meter “Ural-MR”.
Corporation Uraltechnostroy products entered the list of “Best goods of Bashkortostan-2020”
The Panel of experts of the republican contest “Best goods of Bashkortostan” conferred an award on Corporation Uraltechnostroy for the achievements in the nomination “Manufactured products”.
Being ahead of contract dates
In the spring of this year Corporation Uraltechnostroy dispatched a number of equipment for «Gazpromneft-Khantos», including the following: modular oil pumping station (BNSN) and three water pumping station (BNSV).
Raising qualification
Striving to constantly improve one’s skills is welcome and encouraged in Corporation Uraltechnostroy.
The seventh mobile unit for oil company Neftis
The shipment of equipment was executed under the project agreement with AO (JSC) «Elektrosnabsbyt» for the end customer «KanBaikal» LLC.
Management systems audit in Corporation Uraltechnostroy
Over December 4 to December 6 2019 period «Corporation Uraltechnostroy» LLC and « Uraltechnostroy-Teplopanel» LLC were undergoing a corporate integrated management system audit for compliance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards.
High appraisal of welding production
The I Republican contest of welding production specialists was held last week under the terms of a professional examination in making an independent assessment of qualification (Contest “NOK”).
Our mobile units are in the list of the Best Products of Russia
On the 14th of November the president of Corporation Uraltechnostroy visited a ceremonial event dedicated to World Quality Day.
Oil gas treating unit for «INK» LLC
In September a mobile unit for oil gas treating was dispatched for «INK» LLC (Irkutsk oil company), its capacity is 7000 m3/hr.
25 years of efficient, creative, heart put into work business
Popping champagne corks and illusionists, delicious delights, a string band as well as swanky creative teams of the city, rewards for its heroes, tears of joy remembering old days and feeling of pride for the present and future days, all this is about celebration of Corporation Uraltechnostroy 25th anniversary.
Sporting traditions
The tradition of holding corporate sports and athletic contest in our organizations is well respected and kept. Each and every year ski resort «Kandry-Kul» becomes the meeting place loved by the employees of Corporation Uraltechnostroy and welcomes sport competitors.
Recertification audit of Welding process quality management system
At the beginning of August 2019 a recertification audit was successfully carried out which proved company’s compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 3834-2: Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials, part 2.
Mobile modular separation and filling unit manufactured by Corporation Uraltechnostroy for Bolshetirsk field
In terms of an expansion project the shipment of equipment was completed in May 2019, designed for the 3rd stage of reconditioning program of mobile modular separation and filling unit (MBSNU) at Bolshetirsk field.
Bashkortostan Republic governmental award in quality nomination
On June 28 in «Bashkortostan» State concert hall of Ufa an official awarding ceremony was held for Bashkortostan Republic prize-winners in Quality domain.
25 year of work –we have something to tell
The 25th anniversary gave the idea for the exposition presented by Corporation Uraltechnostroy in XXVII International exhibition «Gas.Oil. Technologies-2019» within the frame of the Russian oil gas and chemical forum.
Mobile stations were announced the best in the region
Corporation Uraltechnostroy once again was titled an award winner of the republic-wide contest.
Methanol pumping station manufactured in short order
A methanol pumping station with utilities system was dispatched from the manufacturing site of «Corporation Uraltechnostroy» LLC at the end of April as part of the project «Severo-Russkoye field.
Russian Federation Ministry of Industry congratulated with the 25th anniversary
Year 2019 is an anniversary year for Corporation Uraltechnostroy. Different events on the occasion of the 25 years will take place throughout the year.
Implementation of innovations
On the 6th of May Corporation Uraltechnostroy launched construction works over a site purposed to assembly and manufacture new cabinet equipment and automation parts.
Gas. Oil. New technologies for the Far North
On the 14-15 March «Corporation Uraltechnostroy» LLC traditionally became a participant of Novy Urengoy gas forum and «Gas. Oil. New technologies for the Far North» exhibition.