Flare units
«Corporation Uraltechnostroy» LLC has large experience in manufacturing flare systems of different types and service. Over 100 flare units and flare tips were manufactured and delivered by the enterprise for the period of 2009-2014. Manufactured equipment is provided with all the necessary permits.
Service Automated flare unit UFA serves oil, gas and chemical industry enterprises to flare constant, periodical and emergency emissions. UFA flare units are designed and manufactured in full compliance with «Rules of arrangement and safety operation of flare systems» and certified according to Customs Union Technical Regulation. Technical specification
Options of UFA Flare units technological execution: · units for burning of gas with the same pressure and component composition; · units for burning of emissions with various pressure and component compositions (combined); · with air or vapor supply to provide smokeless burning (for heavy, wet gases, extremely low pressure gases or upon specific requirements for smokeless properties). Scope of supply UFA Flare unit can be manufactured in several structural designs: · cable structure (a stack with guy-lines); · self-supporting stack; · elevated flare. Components composition Standard flare stack unit includes: · Flare stack (stacks); · Flare tip with gas seal and pilot burners; · Service platforms and ladders; · Ignition and flame control system; At the customer’s request the following items can be supplied: · Flare reamer; · Flame arrestor; · Hydraulic seal; · flare separator; · underground drain tank with suction pumps; · heating system for flare collecting vessel and fuel gas pipelines. Not only flare tips of «Corporation Uraltechnostroy» production may complete flare units but also of other domestic or foreign enterprises. Combined flare tip (FOK) together with system of flare ignition and flame control is applied in flare units designed to burn hydrocarbon gases with hydrogen sulfide content above 8%. Flare tips are manufactured with the following designs: · injection type FOI; · combined injection type FOI-C; · combined FOK; · combined and group together FОК-С; · combined with vapor supply system FOK-P; · combined with air supply system FOK-V. Tip structure includes: · flame stabilization system providing mixing of high quality of burning gas with air as well as combustion efficiency within a complete range of gas discharged; · wind-proof deflector preventing flare flame fr om wind blasts and flame contact with walls. Deflector also facilitates air cooling of the most thermally impacted part of the tip which increases service life; · protection screen reflecting radiant and acoustic energy upwards. Screen prevents the stack and ignition system equipment from heating, it also decreases flare noise; · gas-dynamic seal (GZ) serving to purge flare tip (with fuel gas) in stand-by mode and low fire maintaining mode to avoid air entry into flare stack. Gas-dynamic seal includes shell with supporting ring and internal device of labyrinth partitions. Shut-off gas supply is performed through a hole in a flare stack body forwarded into tube space between gas-dynamic seal and flare stack, from wh ere gas streams through orifice holes into gas-dynamic seal chambers. Gas delivery towards gas-dynamic seal is performed by means of the nozzle with throttle removable washer and directed from tie-in point into the gas pipeline supply to the pilot burner. Gas flow rate is above 30 m3/h for two gas-dynamic seals. Flare tips standard range Table 1 - Injection Flare Tips standard range
Table 2- Standard range of combined flare tips
Technical specification for flare tips Тable 3 – Main performance parameters for flare tips