Modular pumping station

One of the main activity direction of «Corporation Uraltechnostroy» LLC is manufacturing of modular group pumping stations of different purposes. Extensive experience in manufacturing of such equipment and collaboration with leading Russian and foreign design organizations allow to offer ready innovative engineering solutions fully complying with the customer’s requirements.

Specialists of «Corporation Uraltechnostroy» LLC designed a range of equipment basic packages. Its application and adjustment according to specific project requirements significantly reduce time of request elaboration.

ТУ 3660-024-45211680-2009 “Modular pumping stations. Technical specifications”.

Modular pumping station is delivered with technical dossiers and material documentation, ancillary equipment and items, provided by manufacturing plants. Assembled pumping stations and components are completed with GOST R conformity certificates.

Manufacturing plants for equipment and materials for pumping station supply are selected during engineering activity or contract signing phase.

APCS and energy supply

A process condition control system was designed for pumping station units. System monitors:

  • pumping unit inlet pressure;
  • pumping unit exhaust pressure;
  • filters differential head;
  • pump leakage control;
  • pump unit vibrations;
  • gates status after pumps operation;
  • temperature of pumping unit’s Bearings and seals;
  • oil temperature in oil tanks (if provided with oil station);
  • fire alarm;
  • gas accumulation control and signaling system;
  • oil level in oil tanks (if provided with oil station).

Control of pumping units, gates, indication of operational parameters, pumping station units and equipment status is performed with the help of graphic operator terminal installed on a front door of the control system cabinet. Additionally information displaying and control of pumping station operation is possible via Ethernet interface of upper-level control system.

Control system cabinet includes UPS to ensure uninterruptible ACS operation in case of electricity failure.

Power supply

In order to provide power supply for electrical equipment of oil pumping station it is possible to install cabinets low voltage distribution switchboard (НКУ), package transformer substation (КТП), softstarter (УПП) and distributing device (РУ).

Electric motors control of pumping units is executed from control, protection and automation stations. To eliminate in-rush starting current, emission limitation and supply power as well as in order to maintain process characteristics at an indicated level by regulating engine rotation frequency a possibility is foreseen to apply variable frequency drivers.